Volunteer Activities
The PPSOC welcomes volunteers of all ages to help out on work days. The following work days are scheduled at the following sites:
Sand Ridge Prairie:
Two work days have been scheduled at Sand Ridge in July: the 14th and the 21st, both
Saturdays starting at 7:00 a.m. Wear sturdy
shoes, long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, gloves, and a hat.
Bring water and whatever you have to make a vicious attack on weeds:
clippers, loppers, shovels, parsnip predators, etc. If
you dont have tools, some will be provided.
Come for the comradeship and the feeling of satisfaction that
you get from doing something that needs to be done...if not by you, then who?
If your weekends are busy but you could volunteer during the
week, call Bob Vogl at 815-732-7332.
Clear Creek Unit (Nachusa Grasslands):
To be announced.
Wade Prairie (Nachusa Grasslands):
We are currently looking for burn volunteers to assist with spring prairie burns. Due to changing weather conditions burns cannot be scheduled to far in advance. We will maintain a list of interested people and we will call when the time is right.
Call Tim Keller at 1-815-626-4759 to get on the list. Please leave a message with your name, phone number and general availability (weekdays, weekends or both).
Elkhorn Creek:
This preserve now owned and managed by the Northwest Audubon Society. Please contact Keith or Mary Blackmore at 815-938-3204 for more information.
Pine Rock:
To be announced.
Clear Creek Knolls:
To be announced.
Volunteer activites are not limited to work days, if you or your organization has something to contribute, please contact us at ppsoc.org@gmail.com or write us at PPSOC, P.O. Box #86, Oregon, IL, 61061, with your suggestions.
Please check back for updates.
When you visit please take only pictures, leave only footprints...
PPSOC's Beginnings (Tim's Story)
Douglas E. Wade Prairie Elkhorn Creek Biodiversity Preserve
Clear Creek Unit Pine Rock Nature Preserve Beach Cemetery
PPSOC Membership Current & Upcoming Events
Volunteer Activities Field Trips
Types of Prairies Sites to Visit
Index of Prairie Plants and Wildlife PPSOC Home Page